Human Resource Management (GE)14版特賣會

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內容簡介: 博客來網路書店 Dessler1.NEW! Improving Performance: HR Tools for Line Managers and Entrepreneurs boxed features highlight actual tools and practices managers use to improve performance at work.

博客來書店2.NEW! Improving Performance: HR as a Profit Center boxed features contain real examples of how human resource management practices add value by reducing costs or boosting revenues.

博客來網路書局3.NEW! Improving Performance: HR Practices around the Globe boxed features highlight how actual companies around the globe use HR practices to improve their team’s and companies’ performance.

博客來4.NEW! Improving Performance through HRIS show how managers use human resource technology to improve performance.

5.NEW! Know Your Employment Law boxed features within each chapter show managers what employment laws apply to that chapter’s topics, such as the laws applying to recruitment (Chapter 5), selection (Chapter 6), training (Chapter 8), and safety (Chapter 17.)

6.NEW! Diversity Counts features in each chapter provide insights and guidelines for managing a diverse workforce. For example, (Chapter 6) employers using selection tests should know that gender issues sometimes distort results, because parents and others often socialize girls into traditionally female roles and boys into traditionally male roles.

Human Resource Management (GE)14版特賣會 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:華泰文化    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2015/04/01
  • 語言:英文

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